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The Swiss company NEMESYS GmbH (New Measurement Systems) was founded in the beginning of the year 1998. NEMESYS sells specialized measurement equipment. Nemesys consults their customer working out solutions in the technical domain of measurement, regulation and control.

Nemesys is selling measurement instruments and application engineering specialized in the area of any rotating equipment such as combustion engines and turbines. That means for measurement of: temperature, pressure, force, rpm, moment, power, vibration, acceleration, speed, distance, angle and more.


Nemesys can offer you our support in consulting you to find your best solution application. On request Nemesys is carrying out engineering projects for their customers. Nemesys is carrying out measurements in installations including detailed analysis. Measurement projects were already carried out on shipping installation, oil platforms, refineries, car industry as well as in the chemical industry.


Vibration Analyzer DA2
This is a 4 channel torsional vibration analyzer which was designed for measurement and evaluation of torsional vibrations and static torsion of turning objects such as piston engines and turbines.
Torsional vibrations can be measured in the range of 5-100'000 rpm using a wide range of pickup types such as incremental encoders, inductive pickups, optical as well as laser pickups.
The goal of the development was to create a state of the art floating point DSP (digital signal processing) system which can be used for "heavy duty" applications in the field as well as in laboratories.

Vibration Analyzer AA8
This is a 16 channel analyzing system which was developed in order to analyze any analog signals in the range of ±10V. These signals are captured synchronous using up to sixteen input channels.
The signals are sampled at the same time with a sampling rate up to 48 kHz per channel regardless of the number of channels used. Combined digital and analog anti aliasing filters give a high quality phase reproduction.

Analyzing software WINVA
The analyzing software WINVA was developed to carry out analysis and visualize these analysis in form of diagrams and tables as well as remote control the vibration analyzers DA2 and AA8.
This windows 95/NT software can be used as single station or network installation. The software will be delivered with every vibration analyzer.

Monitoring System VM 3000
This is a 2-channel online monitoring system for torsional vibrations.


All products mentioned above are daily used by well known companies such as engine manufacturing companies, turbine application companies, coupling and vibration damper manufacturing companies, technical engineering companies, insurance companies and others.

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Nemesys GmbH phone: +41-1-480 02 74
Wernerstrasse 19 fax: +41-1-480 02 75
CH-8038 Zuerich - Switzerland email:

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